Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Animal Morph

i love lemurs and tigers so i put those two animals together and i got this result not bad but not good i did this in a 15 minute span just so i don't get a zero on this project.


i don't really know what to say but i do like the giraffe though it looks like it is hanging out of the blackhole.

Monday, May 11, 2015

paintbrush project

this was a really hard project because you have to get the details right and the weakest aspect of the project are the paintbrushes. the strongest is the replication of the heart-shaped nose. i would never do this project again if i have to.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


my strongest techie aspect of the project is finding out how to do the different colors as one individual thing. my weakest techie aspect work on my spacing a little. everything was easy. nothing was difficult. i did different hues of the same color. i would do nothing different because i'm freaking awesome.

tattoo project 2.0

i don't know what my strongest or weakest techie aspect of the project is. i could have been more artistic that could have been more than stuff.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

polaroid project

strongest aspect is the polaroid clipart. weakest is the picture of the background.

Monday, March 23, 2015

tattoo project

my strongest techie aspect was copying and pasting. my techie aspect that needs improvement on is everything. nothing was easy. everything was difficult. i don't think that i demonstrated the objective. i would do everything differently.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Personal Identity Project

the strongest aspect of my work is the downloading of the pictures. my aspect that i need to improve on is the placement of the object. nothing was easy about this project, nothing is easy with technology. again, everything was difficult. i demonstrated my qualities with this project, i am Irish, a whovian, intelligent, modest, strong, a boy scout, and i will always be a Bellingham Blackhawk. i would do nothing differently, because it is perfect the way it is. 

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


The strongest technical aspect of my work is the gradient tool with the rhombus-shaped centerpiece. Because I am not a techie and so that was my greatest achievement that I did.  My spacing needs to be improved and the way it can is by using the spacing tool. Nothing was easy about this project because I am not a techie. Everything was difficult about this project because i am not a techie. I said my name in Ds. I would write my name better and use the spacing tool.